What is a dermatologist?

Dermatologists are specialized medical professionals proficient in treating a wide array of skin, hair, and nail conditions, including skin cancer. They cater to patients of all ages and employ various medical, surgical, procedural, and cosmetic techniques in their practice. The Australasian College of Dermatologists (ACD) is the only organisation accredited to train and assess dermatologists in Australia. Entry into the program is highly competitive. They are the true specialists in skin.

Dermatologists diagnose, treat, and manage over 3,000 skin conditions, ranging from psoriasis and eczema to acne and skin cancer. They conduct thorough examinations, considering both physical symptoms and overall well-being. Treatment plans may involve medications, surgery, procedures, or lifestyle adjustments based on individual needs. Patients receive detailed explanations of recommended treatments, potential side effects, associated risks and costs, enabling informed decision-making.

To become dermatologists, individuals undergo extensive education and training, starting with a medical degree, followed by at least two years of hospital training. Specialized dermatology training, accredited by the Australasian College of Dermatologists (ACD), spans a minimum of four years, culminating in exams. "FACD" signifies a Fellow of the ACD, ensuring the highest level of expertise and ongoing professional development.

Most Australian dermatologists operate in private practices, often in metropolitan areas. They may also hold positions in hospitals, engage in research, and contribute to clinical trials. Many provide outreach and telehealth services to regional and remote areas, extending their expertise beyond urban centers.

If you are looking for a dermatologist, you can search for them on the ACD website. You can also read the ACD description of a dermatologist in the link below.

  • Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin, often accompanied by itching and discomfort. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, speeding up the skin cell turnover process. It can be triggered by stress, infectious illness, certain medications and even sunburn! It often, but not always, runs in families. It can affect any site of body - from the scalp, elbows and knees to body flexures. Fortunately the treatment options for this chronic condition have vastly improved, and it’s possible with certain management options to live almost disease free. If you’ve never seen a Dermatologist, or it’s been some years since you last have, we encourage you to make an appointment to discuss your management options today.

  • Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that leads to red, itchy, and inflamed skin. Whilst it often appears in childhood, it can also affect adults, causing discomfort and affecting quality of life with long term effects on relationships, school, work and mood. Body folds are a common site of involvement, but it can also affect the face, eyelids, neck, genitals as well as the hand and feet. Occasionally irritants and allergens are involved and investigations such as patch testing may be required. The scope of treatments for eczema has changed exponentially over the last few years, so we encourage both new and old patients to discuss these new changes with your Dermatologist today.

  • Sweating is a natural bodily function that helps regulate body temperature. However, excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort for many individuals. Whilst the majority of excess sweating is benign, occasionally it can be a sign of serious underlying illness and needs to be investigated. Sweating, whether it has been present since childhood, or developed later in life, can be treated. So whether it is underarms, feet, hands or the face, there are treatment options for all areas of the body, including some special options that are unique to the care of your Dermatologist. Make contact with our clinic today to discuss your options for the management of hyperhidrosis.

  • Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It can manifest as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, or cysts, and may cause both physical and emotional distress. Even mild cases can greatly impact on a sufferer’s wellbeing. The ultimate goal of acne care is to prevent the formation of scarring, so early identification and treatment is key. Whilst the most common period for acne is adolescence, even adults can suffer from the condition.. Whether its a new issue, or something you’ve been battling with for some time, there are treatment options are available for all age groups, so make an appointment to discuss your concerns with a Dermatologist today.

  • Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects the face, causing redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels. It may also be accompanied by bumps and pimples, resembling acne. There are even rarer subtypes affecting the eyes, and disfiguring textural changes on the nose and face known as rhinophyma. Whilst there is no cure for rosacea, various treatments can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Make an appointment with your Dermatologist to discuss your options today.

  • Hair loss, or alopecia, can occur due to a variety of factors including genetics, hormonal changes, and medical conditions. It can affect people of all ages and genders, leading to hair shedding, thinning hair or bald patches. Like many dermatological conditions, hair loss can have a profound affect on a person’s confidence and identity. There are many forms of hair loss, and it’s important to distinguish the ones that scar from those that don’t. In particular, accurate diagnosis is crucial in providing appropriate management choices, some of which are time critical. Don’t delay, make an appointment with a Dermatologist to discuss your hair concerns today.

  • Bespoke cosmetic care includes both topical and minimally invasive treatments tailored to individual skin concerns such as ageing and pigmentation. To protect Australian patients, the advertising of these services is tightly regulated. If you wish to discuss your cosmetic concerns, make an appointment to see a Dermatologist today.

Conditions we diagnose and manage


  • Skin pigmentation disorders can cause patches of skin to become either lighter or darker than surrounding areas. Conditions like vitiligo, that involve loss of colour of the skin, can affect children or adults and can create significant distress for the sufferers and their family. Likewise, conditions involving an increase in colour, such as melasma or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, can impact self esteem and result in appreciable sums of money spent on ineffective creams and treatments. So you have concerns regarding a change in pigmentation, make an appointment to see your Dermatologist today.

  • Brown and black spots are a source of great concern for patients. It’s also important to distinguish benign brown and black spots from more sinister changes such as melanoma. Even where benign, treatment may be desirable, and dermatologists are expertly trained in a number of techniques to rid their patients of these lesions. Make an appointment with your Dermatologist to discuss your concerns today.

  • Redness of the skin can be caused by a wide range of factors including rosacea, sun damage and a variety of inflammatory and rheumatological conditions such as cutaneous lupus erythematous. Diagnosing the underlying cause is crucial for effective treatment but also in identifying and managing associated conditions. For accurate assessment and care, make an appointment to see your Dermatologist today.

  • Inflammatory dermatology encompasses a broad spectrum of skin conditions characterized by inflammation. A frustrating number of people live years without an accurate diagnosis or management. Dermatologists employ various diagnostic techniques, including skin biopsies and allergy testing, to identify the underlying cause of mysterious rashes and provide appropriate treatment. So if you are troubled by a skin complaint and are looking for clarity and care, make an appointment to see your Dermatologist today.

  • Biologic therapies are advanced treatment options for inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. These medications target specific components of the immune system, offering effective relief for patients with severe or treatment-resistant disease. They are used to treat a number of dermatological conditions and may be useful in cases that have until now been unmanageable. Your Dermatologist is best equipped to discuss the benefits, risks and suitability of these treatments, so make an appointment to discuss your concerns today.

  • Full skin checks are comprehensive examinations performed by Dermatologists to screen for skin cancer and to evaluate specific lesions of concern. Early detection is key for successful treatment, making regular skin checks important for everyone, especially those with a history of sun exposure or skin cancer. Dermatologists are also well placed to offer advice and care surrounding tumour reduction strategies and can provide exclusive care, or take part in a shared care arrangement with your trusted general practitioner. Make an appointment for a skin check today.

  • Skin cancer is a major cause of both morbidity and mortality in Australia and Queensland has the unenviable reputation of the skin cancer capital of the world. Skin cancer management involves the diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care of various types of skin cancer, including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and other rarer tumours. Management options range from topical products to physical options including curettage, photodynamic therapy, surgical excision and radiation therapy. Dermatologists have specialist training to provide these treatments and are also an important link to broader multidisciplinary care. If you have concerns regarding skin cancer, make an appointment to see your Dermatologist today.